How we started DMC??
Dan Marsh started off working at true value hardware making minimum wage at a young age. He hit it off with one of the customers that was a regular named Charlie Netzow. Charlie then hired Dan and challenged him to break down this house and guided him in building a new one. Dan is a man that likes to take challenges and defeat them. He built his first home with Charlie and really looked up to him as a mentor and it sparked his interest in the building industry. Dan then decided to go to College Of The Redwoods. He fell in love creating blue prints and gained more passion in the industry the more he learned the fundamentals and started building things himself. Dan has compassion on the overall outcome of building. He loves the fact that putting his hard work, blood, sweat and tears into something he created and being able to share that with someone who can start a life with a family and to make memories in a home that he built makes him feel honored.He enjoys helping people and strives to give them that high quality to feel good about themselves and appreciate there home. From graduating with high grades at College Of The Redwoods and being one of the top students in his career path,Dan then decided to start his own construction business from ground up. He started with a couple tools and a vehicle driving around from door to door doing little jobs. Even through the recession period and which at times he was losing money doing jobs,Dan worked hard and stayed loyal and fair to his customers completing every job with his high quality standards. Dan is also a religious man and believes that good things happen to good people. He had faith in his business and knew that with his hard work and dedication then success would come his way.One day him and one of his friends went in together on a house and bought it to fix it up and resale. People were buying houses for really high prices and Dan took a big leap and gave it a shot. While working out on top of the house one day this man came by and offered to buy the house.He gave Dan and his friend a crazy amount that they couldn’t turn down. From then on Dan has continued to grow his clientele. He worked from home and kept on striving for more success. He did that for a little while and eventually hired on some employees to keep up with all the work he was getting. From there he gained enough income to move into a little office building he shared with another business in Mckinleyville. He has a outstanding outlook for his business and the way he wants it ran with high professional standards. He understands the importance of his clients and only gives them high quality work with every job done.With that being said Dan only does things the correct way and believes that with the high quality work he does that it will make the community better and more a beautiful place that people can come to and enjoy. He believes that no matter the job whether its a small one or big one that it is always important and needs to be done with “DMC Standards. ” Because of that he has gained respect and trust from people and they continue to call him back for more work. They also recommend him to a lot of other people in the community which has gained a huge reputation that he has worked hard for and continues to hold high. Dan has been really successful and the business has been growing and succeeding everyday. With the respect his community has shown him he has moved up to buying a building to be even more professional to his clients.He bought a ran down building on the strip of Central Ave in Mckinleyville and decided to make it his office location for the growing business. With Dan’s High standards he wanted to provide a more respectable building for his clients to come to, so Dan remodeled the building and gave it an amazing beautiful view to drive by everyday on the busy main street in Mckinleyville. Today the business varies from 10-20 employees. Dan coaches and pushes his employees to keep up with the “DMC Standards.” We have a really good team that respects the business and loves what they do for our community as well. DMC employees are amazing and are a joy to be around. We would love to work for you and give you the quality you deserve!! Give us a call today.
* the tan is the new remodeled building and the yellow is the older building before Dan bought it.